Saturday, April 09, 2005

My Schedule!

This world is a crazy place. I was just reviewing my schedule and...

I give an 8 1/2 minute speech in rhetoric defending Clytaemnestra in Aeschylus' Agamemnon and have a 50 minute essay exam on about a century and a half of American history on Mon.

I have a history quiz on Friday.

I have Western Lit. pop quizes mixed through all this and over a hundred pages of Don Quixote to read before Mon.

I have a 600 word journalism story due this Wed and another due two weeks later.

I have an eight page paper to discuss a piece of literature deeply due the Mon after next.

I have a history research paper due two days later.

A ton of other exams and papers then... Finals

This is exactly why I am sitting here and wasting time by writing this post. On a positive note the flowers are blooming, white and red buds speckle the trees, the grass is emerald green, and the weather, truly, does not get any better.



At 7:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So that's why I've been on the verge of panic lately. Remember, life is best lived day by day and hour by hour.



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