I don't plan to recommend too many books on my blog, I guess if I did that I would only be posting book reviews, but I couldn't help recommending the one I am reading now--The Man Who Was Thursday by G. K. Chesterton. I read the first chapter of the book late at night and after all the Western Lit. reading at PHC just wanted to enjoy a book for once without thinking too much about it. I never got any further as I remembered that I had been wanting to read a Frank Peretti for a long time so started reading Nightmare Academy. When I picked up The Man Who Was Thursday again I decided to just start all over as I had only read a few pages. Man was I shocked when I realized how much of the philosophy I had missed by reading it that late. If you were here you would probably here me exclaiming every so often something like "yes YES" or "amen brother Chesterton" I have been so excited by the incredible way he presents, as he puts it, moral anarchism. It is quite nice as well how Chesterton has wrapped up all the philosophy in a mystery/thriller similar to his Father Brown Stories that, taken on this level only, makes great literature. Both Nightmare Academy and The Man Who Was Thursday deal with the same topic, moral absolutes, but while Nightmare Academy hits you over the head with the Christian viewpoint G. K Chesterton presents it subtly yet strongly making moral anarchism laughable. I believe this is going to be one of those books that further refines and strengthens my worldview. From now on I am not going to call moral relativists moral relativists but rather use Chesterton�s term moral anarchists for that is what they are.